Join Us For The Next
Mrs International Pageant

July 18th and 19th , 2025


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Haiti International®

Molina Pierre

1.If you were famous what would your stage name be?
I am most grateful for my beautiful family. After facing the devastation of Hurricane Dorian last year I came to to appreciate life and it's most valuable asset, which is the gift of family.

2.If you would attend a celebrity wedding which, would it be?
As someone who believes and promotes self-development I am looking forward to adding a check next to "university student" on my 3-year goals plan. I hope to pursue a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

3.What is the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
As a self-proclaimed super mom, the best feeling in the world is cooking a healthy meal and watching my kids eat all without complaints. That can keep a smile on my face for days.

4.What is the most random fact you know?
When I stopped worrying about what I didn't have and started to focus on what I do have, I am able to work better at any dream or goal I set for myself.

5.What is the one thing you’ll never do again?
I love the sound of rain, especially hard rain at night. I always think that it will lull me to sleep, instead I stay up just calmly listening, it always quiets my mind and I can focus on anything I want to meditate on.

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